I know it’s not at all fun as air pollution but I’m all in for capturing what’s already been released for humanity’s ulterior motives.
I know it’s not at all fun as air pollution but I’m all in for capturing what’s already been released for humanity’s ulterior motives.
I just think it’s funny to have my home base be the porn server.
Can’t move them and those aren’t veggies
Especially considering urban dictionary consists almost entirely of shock humor and isn’t really a good resource for you know, actually understanding people.
Pit Vipers so knockoff they even knocked off the packaging? I’m actually kind of impressed.
Well for the local conservatives it isn’t even the mountain conditions it’s the lower tourist traffic and the economic impact of that which has them rallied.
I live in a ski town, got turned down for a job last week because the snow’s been shit this year and the tourist traffic is down. Was a stormy weekend which should help, but fuck, we’re definitely the one’s ringing the most alarm bells about the climate, you can even get the conservatives on board when the local economy gets obliterated.
sad trombone