• MrMakabar@slrpnk.net
      2 months ago

      The simple truth is Biden has been the best president in lowering US emissions and his laws would lower it even more. So yeah, I believe that.

      Also Biden has said that he will stop US arms deliveries to Israel, if Israel attacks Rafah. That is by far the most anti Israel thing, the US has done in decades.

      And that is the thing. Biden actually improves a lot of things. That does not make him perfect, it does not mean he does as much or even as quickly as he should(as Gaza clearly shows), but Biden has been surprisingly good as a president. There are third party canidates, which are better then Biden, but given how the system works, voting Biden is a good choice in a swing state. In states, which are not swing states vote third canidate for sure, to show that going further left can win the Dems some votes.

      • ProdigalFrog@slrpnk.net
        2 months ago

        The hostile attitude and accusations will not be conducive to changing minds or furthering meaningful discussion, there’s room for nuance here.

        Biden is ultimately a typical neoliberal bastard, with all the negatives that brings. None of us want him, but realistically, no third party has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning with our current voting system. I don’t think any of us would blame you for sticking with your ideals in your vote regardless of that fact, but I don’t think it’s right to denigrate those who would opt for a practical harm reduction vote over an idealistic one that would ultimately result in a dictator taking power and absolutely wreaking even worse havoc on both people and the environment, especially as we are living in a period where there is no time left for the environment.

        We’re still not sure if there are extreme tipping points of no return climate-wise. If we assume for safety’s sake that there is, then it’s critical to prevent further warming, and I can’t blame anyone for choosing a lesser evil that has allowed meaningful climate legislation to pass, over one that is shopping around his willingness to destroy the planet for his own personal gain, and who has publically advocated for going full steam ahead with Palestinian Genocide.

        Ultimately we’re voting for scraps, and that’s all that’ll ever be, since no meaningful reform can come from within the system. But I don’t see any benefit to giving up those scraps for something far worse unless one advocates for accelerationism, which I personally don’t since it means massively increased suffering with no guarantee of better outcomes long-term.

        Saying all that, I do think doing anything beyond just tossing in a vote when the time comes, like volunteering for or financially supporting a political campaign is a waste of time and money that could be better spent outside of the political system.