He has done some good things, but the best way for Biden to have helped the planet in the longer term would have been to step aside for a younger and more energetic candidate in this year’s election.
Biden seemed pretty energetic last night. Given the huge advantage that incumbency provides, and how poorly other likely Democrats have polled, I’ll take him.
I think there would’ve been a ton of political power in the incumbent naming his successor and dumping all of his campaigning energy into promoting the successor for the election. Unless of course he picked someone with as terrible of a voting record as himself, in which case we’d be in the same position, just with less risk of the POTUS being forced to step down due to age-related health concerns or just keeling over on the job
I don’t think that’s nearly as effective as you’d think. Any plausible Democrat will be exposed to the right-wing smear machine, knocking down their popularity. It’s a gamble with much worse odds than running again.
Empty promises will be spouted for the next 8 months
We got a lot more than empty promises. And despite having only 50/100 Democratic Senators, of whom at least one was paid off by the coal industry, Biden managed to get decarbonization legislation through congress:
There’s a world of difference between Biden and Trump’s policies:
Given those differences, I’ll take Biden over Trump any day, and do what I can to give him a Democratic majority in both house of Congress so that there’s a chance of additional legislation.