This is an excerpt from my math models textbook. It’s about Lagrange Polynomials which is a technique that lets you fit a polynomial to a set of any number of unique points (x_1,y_1) … (x_n,y_n) so long as all your x-values are different (otherwise it wouldn’t be a function, and couldn’t be a polynomial). The polynomial you’ll calculate will be the unique, lowest degree polynomial that passes through all points.
I’m not sure sure what the stated premise is supposed to even mean.
Replace the words “Convince yourself” with “You can verify” and it might make more sense.
No, I got that part, but I don’t think I understand the significance of the indexed y values and their relationships to the indexed x values. The criterion seems to suggest that P3(xn)=yn for each, but that strikes me as something that is defined as a constraint rather than something that is to be proved. Also, I woke up then and now so that might be playing a factor in my confusion.
OK, you got it then, I believe. P3 is specifically built so that P3(xn)=yn for n from 1 to 4. The proof lies in its construction. I guess the sentence can be understood as “we know it works because we built it like that, however you may verify it yourself”
I feel like the sentence also means “it’s kinda obvious when you think about it, so we won’t explain, but it’s actually important, so you probably should make sure you agree”.