
The [tunnel’s] accelerants cure the grout that seals the tunnel’s concrete supports, helping the grout set properly and protecting the work against cracks and other deterioration. They also seriously burn exposed human skin. At the Encore dig site, such burns became almost routine, workers there told Nevada’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration. An investigation by the state OSHA, which Bloomberg Businessweek has obtained via a freedom of information request, describes workers being scarred permanently on their arms and legs. According to the investigation, at least one employee took a direct hit to the face. In an interview with Businessweek, one of the tunnel workers recalls the feeling of exposure to the chemicals: “You’d be like, ‘Why am I on fire?’”

    4 months ago

    Wow! You really believe all the lies Musk says? This is the same guy who has been promising ‘full software driving’ next year for nearly a decade, fantasizing about downloading human memory engrams, insisting that hyperloop is ‘not so hard’ and says things like ‘I know more about manufacturing than anyone else alive’.

    How much knowledge does it take to realize that 100 people per starship is simply impossible? There simply isn’t enough room. And read your statement about underground dwellings and sunlight times together to see how they’re incompatible. Musk isn’t saying all these because he’s a dreaming visionary. He’s saying these to trick other rich people into giving him more money. It has the same vibes as the monorail song.