Iconoclast disruption and government subsidies as a service.
Here is the Reuters link in case you want to skip the opinion piece. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-musk-steering-suspension/
Tanks for this. But the opinion piece is also a good read for its dark humor and subtle sarcasm.
Sarcasm sure, but I would say that nothing about it is subtle
Subtle like a jackhammer? ;)
What matters isn’t whether any of this has been done before, and more authentically, and well enough to be built upon—what matters is that this particular rich man-child hasn’t done it yet, from scratch, for himself and for his own dream of being The Most Special Boy.
The whole piece was a good read, but this quote stands out to me, because it literally summarises every single thing Elon Musk is involved with.