To be clear: there’s a night-and-day difference between Biden and Trump, with the former having actually taking significant action, and being likely to take more if reelected. Trump will look to maximize both extraction and consumption of fossil fuels in a way that Biden simply didn’t and won’t.

    8 months ago

    I hate reading articles like this. Sure we need to vote for the lesser of two evils. But we really need to get into more of an “emergency power dictatorship” mode. Maybe like making large parts of the economy planned economy under the rule of some radical technocrats. Massive wealth redistribution. But still maintain democracy for other areas.

    And this would need to happen globally. Of course it won’t because the forces arrayed against it have far more money and have far better PR and institutional and ideological support.

    But maybe we’ll somehow muddle through. Maybe we’ll somehow learn from all the death and destruction that we can’t afford to be this stupid on a global level.