Sheldon Stone, 68, became involved in Stop Uyghur Genocide after coming across a testimony from a survivor of a Uyghur concentration camp in China.

He said: “I was reading this account from someone who had been released from one of the concentration camps because she had dual nationality, being both Chinese and Kazakh."

"From the photos, the camps looked exactly like Auschwitz [a concentration camp used by the Nazis in Germany, ed]. She talked about people being tortured and gang-raped routinely and that pregnant women were being forced to have abortions.”

Stone shelved his original retirement plan, which was to promote environmental issues in the Jewish community, to focus instead on campaigning for the Uyghur population.

    9 months ago

    Interesting how the world is so silent on the genocide clearly occuring in China and focusing on the fastest growing population in the world in Gaza.

    Not saying one tragedy is greater than the other, just interested in how social media has influenced the behaviour of the younger generation. Ain’t too many pro Uyghur showing up on tik tok.

    With hope, 2024 brings peace to gazans and Uyghurs. I’ve got a feeling it’s closer at hand for the gazans with Hamas on their heels but time will tell.