• thecrotch@sh.itjust.works
    5 months ago

    functional software was just yanked away

    It was updated. It wasn’t yanked away, it still works fine on modern OS’s. It’s silly to assume devs will continue targeting an OS that is out of support and irrelevant. Do you expect it to run on DOS too?

    Nevermind that as long as your OS works for gaming

    It doesn’t, lmao. That’s what this article is about.

    the last properly good version of Windows

    8 and 8.1 were significantly more stable and performant than 7 and did not include the ads or spyware that is in 10. They failed because babies didn’t like the way they looked and threw a tantrum about it instead of just installing classicshell.

    Cons outweighing the pros doesn’t magically mean there are no pros.

    The only pro you’ve mentioned is “I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT”. Rockstar doesn’t give a shit what you want. They want to stop wasting their devs’ time accommodating a dead platform.

      • thecrotch@sh.itjust.works
        5 months ago

        Running an unsupported OS on the public internet is like refusing the covid vaccine and going to work with a fever. Would you listen to someone who does that? I wouldn’t, because any justification they come up with is going to be pants on head stupid.

            • mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
              5 months ago


              It did.

              It could still, same as it does right now. The downsides of running that OS do not change this fact.

              Until just recently, it was obviously feasible to use Windows 7 for this modern game. Unlike MS-DOS. Unlike your insulting dismissal, pretending ‘waah I want it’ is anyone’s argument here. Because apparently you can’t deal with the difference between ‘the reasons aren’t good enough’ and ‘there are no reasons whatsoever,’ so you just call people babies.

              • thecrotch@sh.itjust.works
                5 months ago

                between ‘the reasons aren’t good enough’ and ‘there are no reasons whatsoever,’

                You can move off of 7 easily, for free, you wouldn’t be giving up any functionality you can’t get elsewhere, in fact you’d be gaining some, and your machine is a lot less likely to get compromised and used to send me spam.

                There are no reasons whatsoever. Well, other than “I WANT IT I WANT IT”. You have a lot of nerve expecting me to respect that, and even more nerve expecting a game company to spend time and money accommodating it. You are a baby. Maybe it sounds condescending, maybe it is, but it’s also true.