Haha upvotes and keeps scrolling
I’m disappointed the last comic is not recursive.
IMO it’s not brainrot garbage
I’m going to a museum today actually 😎
(Don’t ask what I’m doing until then)
What will you do after that
Don’t ask that either!!
I recently visited Yellowstone National Park for the first time. As the largest park in the continental US, I felt like I could live in the backcountry for the rest of my life, just soaking in the natural beauty.
Unfortunately society refuses to collapse, so I’m stuck trying to find a job that will pay the bills I accrue just keeping food in my dog’s belly and a roof over our heads.
Little boxes by the hillside, little boxes made of ticky tacky…
Joke’s on you! I’m homeless!
Bit harsh to call your own comics brainrot garbage, right?
You can do both. See the world sometimes and scroll funny memes at other times.
Yall can afford travel? Hell, My partner doesn’t even get a real number vacation days.
Compared to the size of the universe, the world is just another tiny box that boxes you in with gravity instead
Damn “them” for forcing me to sit here on my phone all day!