World of Warcraft's latest expansion, The War Within, has been out for over a month now, and things are mostly going great. But there's been one major, glaring issue with seemingly no fix in sight: the disappearance of thousands of items from guild banks, seemingly never to be returned.
Looks like they didn’t back that data up correctly, or don’t have the granularity to just do the guild banks and would have to restore over wider systems.
I’m also betting they are watching players metrics and not seeing many people quit or cancel over this, so they are just going to see if it quietly goes away instead of doing any hard work go fix it.
watching players metrics and not seeing many people quit or cancel over this
This feels like a case where the metrics are going to outright lie about the real impact.
Maybe not very MANY people quit, but those that leave are going to have been the ride-or-die, dedicated fans that have been playing for, in some cases, decades now.
They’re the only members of the player base that are in guilds that actually have anything in the bank worth caring about, because a new expansion will have effectively devalued the entirety of the mundane gear and potions and food stacks MOST guilds use their banks for.
I may just have a skewed view here, but this is an issue that impacts the dedicated, vocal, and visible section of players far more than your random guy who shows up to run a LFR once a week so uh maybe finding time for a human to actually look at and do something useful would be a good investment.
I haven’t played it like the 3rd expansion but back then we had or bank raided by some guy that hacked out Mgs account and they were able restore it and his items when he got his account back. It did take some time to do though so maybe they can’t do that on a large scale.
Looks like they didn’t back that data up correctly, or don’t have the granularity to just do the guild banks and would have to restore over wider systems.
I’m also betting they are watching players metrics and not seeing many people quit or cancel over this, so they are just going to see if it quietly goes away instead of doing any hard work go fix it.
This feels like a case where the metrics are going to outright lie about the real impact.
Maybe not very MANY people quit, but those that leave are going to have been the ride-or-die, dedicated fans that have been playing for, in some cases, decades now.
They’re the only members of the player base that are in guilds that actually have anything in the bank worth caring about, because a new expansion will have effectively devalued the entirety of the mundane gear and potions and food stacks MOST guilds use their banks for.
I may just have a skewed view here, but this is an issue that impacts the dedicated, vocal, and visible section of players far more than your random guy who shows up to run a LFR once a week so uh maybe finding time for a human to actually look at and do something useful would be a good investment.
But then, I’m also not an MBA so what do I know.
I haven’t played it like the 3rd expansion but back then we had or bank raided by some guy that hacked out Mgs account and they were able restore it and his items when he got his account back. It did take some time to do though so maybe they can’t do that on a large scale.