He gets so close-
Violent crime has risen over precisely the period we have shuttered these psychiatric institutions. And you know what? The number one psychiatric institution today is jail. It’s prison. And they don’t do a very good job. And now you then get the calls to clear the jails or to have commuting of sentences or shortening of sentences. People leave those jails in a worse psychiatric condition, often, than when they even entered.
Yes! Yes!
We can do this again learning from past mistakes without those abuses. I don’t think I want to be pumping psychiatric institutions with pharmaceuticals into people.
Seems reasonable.
Faith-based approaches – there are better ways to do this.
Oh for fuck’s sake.
And, of course, the ironic thing is that Ramaswamy is a pharma bro.
Recovery from depression usually involves finding activities the person finds fulfilling and meaningful. This is why faith based recovery works. However, It’s mostly because you’re placing worthwhile meaning in an activity that is giving you purpose to let your mind heal. It is about having a regimented schedule, like attending church on Sundays, praying before meals, attending church functions.
We use the same kind of techniques in therapy based recovery too and we encourage our clients to attend church if they want to for that very reason. Faith is an excellent tool if it drives you toward being well. Again, it just has more to do with what you find meaning in and what gets you up and going. For some people, it’s going for a jog, for others it’s working out, for some it’s faith.
Having faith that there is a Purpose for you and you are Loved and that you are not Alone is, itself, powerful beyond just simple habit and ritual. People who actually believe in God can really just put their faith in Him and really be comforted by it.
That’s nice for them. Worthless for me