“This just in! People actively in the process of being invaded and murdered reject calls for future peaceful coexistence with invaders who rejected the same calls!”
Actually… in its Declaration of Independence, Israel promised to uphold the UN resolution that would create two states… then merge them into one. They’re just skipping a step… 🙈
“This just in! People actively in the process of being invaded and murdered reject calls for future peaceful coexistence with invaders who rejected the same calls!”
Actually… in its Declaration of Independence, Israel promised to uphold the UN resolution that would create two states… then merge them into one. They’re just skipping a step… 🙈
They were invaded on day one of their state’s existence. This kind of thing tends to throw a wrench into things.
They’ve also had 75 years since, to approve a Constitution… yet to this day, can’t agree on one.
That makes the Declaration of Independence the ruling text for the existence of Israel, and it still says what it says.