Doesnt really matter how bad he gets, his magats are still gonna worship him
Doesnt really matter how bad he gets, his magats are still gonna worship him
She looks very butch
Drama is the rule in media. Always has been always will be. If it enrages, tittilates, dehumanizes it gets front and center full exposure. They know this and also know that it is wearying on the public psyche, so they throw a feel-good segment out there once in a while to keep the inflammation to a manageable level
The christianity he is involved in is a corrupted version of cherrypickers so he is self agrandised and will argue his version is the only one that counts.
That pretty much says in a very loud voice that the EU wants trump bsck
It was snapped before he ever got involved in politics
Got em shakin in their slacks
The man is nastiness and lies personified
Wouldnt expect anything else from him, honestly. If he had expressed regret or shame, he wouldnt be the sanctimonious sack of shit we all know him to be
Get down with the Sikhness
Greed rules every sector of business Overarchingly so. No concern for anything except monetary profit.
Standard capitalist playbook. Been that way since the 80s
Desire for more money overrides literally every other thought for those who have the most