It’s time for Prospero to finally shine, nearly 30 years later!
It’s time for Prospero to finally shine, nearly 30 years later!
Looks decent. The opening reminded me of Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture.
I think it’ll be unfair to call it “Fallout but without the nuclear bomb, more of a nuclear accident”, but I’m looking forward to it all the same.
It’s an awful decision!
I’ve seen a similar design fail at a veterinary kennels - super Gucci, super nice, super high tech… but useless because a deep scarlet was used as a kennel floor paint. For the sickest of dogs (in the health sense, not busting 900’s in a doggy daycare halfpipe) - one of the first signs of serious illness is blood being left from one or more orifices in the kennel after a set amount of time. The nature of the floor meant that this couldn’t be seen at first glance.
Same thing with black latex gloves - they might make you feel like you’re about to pull of a diamond heist, it they’re a bit shit for medicinal use as a medic or first responder can’t check for (or otherwise notice) hidden blood or leakage during an initial survey.
Interesting stuff if you ever get to work beside those sorts of folks.
Why is Kimi Raikonnen in my house?
The toilet roll bandits are just the woooooorst
Nothing wrong with being an OG Doom lover.
There’s a reason that the thirty seconds between 00:10 and 00:40 is an absolute masterpiece.
The sound design is half the reason why Doom was so good, and why Doom II is better - going up point blank to a tanky enemy with the super shotgun and making every shot count is borderline orgasmic - second only to beserk-punching an Imp into gibs while still moving forward, beautiful.
Honestly friend, I would give Sigil 2 a bash first. I’m sorry if I’ve spoiled it, but deffo give it the 90mins it takes to rattle through the episode before you YouTube it. It’s good fun all told!
It’s perhaps why Sigil 2’s M8 was so weird - these “rules” of Cyber or Mastermind usage have been known for a long time, and E6M8’s implementation just pisses over the rulebook and burns it in the corner.
It’s like Doom II’s Gotcha… but for primary school.
I have a huge collection of Doom games and merch - I’m a big id fan and bigger Romero fan.
First thing people should do with an interest of the series is get a copy of Masters of Doom by David Kushnee, absolutely brilliant read.
Next, subscribe to some awesome Doomtubers like Zero Master, Civvie11, decino, and Coincident. Zero Master’s stuff is generally commentary free but absolutely unbelievable, CV11’s stuff is hilarious, decino explains the mechanics very well, and Coincident puts it all together in one facerocketing package.
My only real claim to fame was writing the first FAQ for a Doom expansion, but it’s nice to have contributed back to the community.
I bought an Xbox 360 when I found out Doom was being re-released for it - I was already thinking about it when Alan Wake came out, but took a day off work and hooned Doom when it came out on the then-XBLA. I never really bothered with the Xbox One or Series S in the house either… until the Unity port came out. It’s a system seller for me.
It’s the game I’d take on a desert island with me - partly because the feel of the game is just perfect to me, but you’d never get bored with the endless WADS for them - particularly when you use limit-removing ports.
Outstanding game. 11/10 A+++++ would play again
I’m keen to know how long you’ve had that Gif ready to yeet out when the time was right
That’s a shame. I can sort of understand taking Unreal and RtNP from the storefronts as a remaster is rumoured to be in the works, but UT99 - along with Quake III Arena - was probably influential in taking online multiplayer to the discrete deathmatch or capture the flag maps into what would be eSports and games as a service… as much as that makes me almost barf to say.
I’ve always quite liked Sweeney for being “old school” in his approach to game design and company direction, even if I didn’t necessarily like how he went about it, but it has really pulled a hair out of my arse how he’s gone off the rails in the last 6-12 months - complaining about needing more linux devs one month, and binning off hundreds off staff a few weeks later even though they’re proper rinsing the Fortnite cash cow.
Great nod to the Valve documentary though, I enjoyed that far more than I should have.
It’s a tale of two halves, literally.
(edit: crash course for the uninitiated: Fortnite was a great game, until it launched it’s Battle Royale mode - Fortnite then effectively became this game mode, whereas the base game was left to die as Save The World.)
It’s a mode that people paid money for, and Epic treat it as a second rate game even though without it, there wouldn’t even be this behemoth that Fortnite has become.
Epic have come a long way from Epic MegaGames, and it isn’t always a fairytale story I suppose.
A few public sector organisations have had a compromise, where you get an hourly rate and a phone to be on-call. It’s something daft like two pounds per hour, but it does work out to be an extra £100 or £150 a month before tax with attendance expenses paid if you needed to get onsite.
There was probably a compensation arrangement too but I just took off the time that I worked at my convenience - generally the following day in the morning for a lie-in.
I suppose you could always ignore after-hours calls from work - boss or otherwise - but the fallout would unfortunately have been pretty predictable.
Good news all round. Fuck doing work outside the paid window. Unless it’s a dire personal emergency for one of my staff, then fine - but damn right I’m taking a half hour flyer one day in the week.
I can’t remember the last time a review embargo was placed on a game, or when major outlets didn’t get review code - and the game turned out to be okay.
It’s a tale as old as time, and particularly egregious this time round with the late-notice addition of Denuvo.
I mean, die hard fans won’t mind either way and good on them, I hope they enjoy it - but for others who pre-ordered the game, I suppose you’re only getting what you deserve.
Awesome, I think I may go back to a language myself. Thanks for checking it out and letting us know!
Anecdotally, a friend who’s pretty handy at languages uses more Memrise than Duolingo now. Similar sort of setup, but with a different style of delivery - more visual cues and a better repetition approach.
Summit gang represent.
It’s basic, it’s fairly lightweight, and it does the job.
Well worth your time. Just make sure it’s patched - I played with the bug that didn’t render the cutscenes in all-black, and it sucked a bit.
A brilliant way to burn a few hours.
Awesome, thanks for the insight.
I’m showing my age here, but much like we had math coprocessors running beside the 286 and 386 gen CPUs to take on floating point operations; then graphics cards offloaded geometry-based math operations to GPU’s - are we looking at AI-style die or chips to specifically work on AI functions?
Excuse my oversimplification, this isn’t my field of expertise!
I think there’s that fine line between being “that friend that’s always there for me” and “that friend who won’t take a hint and fuck off”.
At the end of the day, you can only help as much as you’re invited to. Anything beyond that comes across as overbearing, and sometimes someone doesn’t need help, they just need a bit of space to decompress and the help comes later.
I guess the measure of a good friend is offering support if they need it, and being ready to offer support long afterwards if they feel they’re doing just fine.