This would make shooting ranges a prime target for break-ins by highly professional organized crime syndicates and terrorist groups looking to arm themselves, which they don’t have the means to protect against.
This would make shooting ranges a prime target for break-ins by highly professional organized crime syndicates and terrorist groups looking to arm themselves, which they don’t have the means to protect against.
I believe he finally melted.
everyone would see that Biden did it first.
Where have you been the past 10 years? Half the country just sees what Fox “News” tells them.
How come there are no student unions?
There’s a much faster way. Just put this in your hosts file:
Unfortunately, this removes any incentive for letting the child live. Much less risk of getting caught of you kill the victim, and it doesn’t matter if you get the death penalty anyway when you’re caught.
That headline is borderline unintelligible.
Can someone please send this pic, along with a short explanation, back to the year 2016?
I find the wording weird: The neuralink’s threads have retracted from the brain.
The threads can’t move or disconnect on their own. Neither can brain cells. All that can be measured is a loss of connection.
The far more reasonable explanation is that the brain cells at the connection point have died.
A software patch for a hardware failure.
Sounds like what they do at Tesla, too.
How is this news? I bet a lot of pages were also added in the same time frame, very likely orders of magnitude more.