You mean Trump would have a Trump moment and hang up
You mean Trump would have a Trump moment and hang up
Fucking ass hats. Running around yelling save the children. Someone actually tries to save the children with an NGO called Save The Children. They run in screaming not those children.
You are a hundred percent right, but how many idiots are there out there?
Lol. I actually used to know a guy that claimed he used to have computer setup with a small thing to thermite on his hard drive and had set it up so if there were too many wrong passwords it would set the igniter off for the thermite. I don’t know if you really, did but he definitely had the technical skills to do that. He was one of those extreme early adopters of BSD and Linux who never used GUI. Oh and he was batshit crazy, legitimately I can see him thinking that was a good idea.
Some day historians will be able to look back at this moment and be able to determine it was what caused ChatGPT to become horny and weird.
Totally, though the hyperbole defense is real and much easier to argue. They will just say that Musk is part hype man for Tesla. Rhetorical hyperbole has been confirmed by the supreme Court to be a first amendment protected activity. You may feel this is dumb, but was also how John Oliver was able to repeatedly tell Bob Murray to eat shit.
I bet if this goes to trial his lawyers are just going to argue that no reasonable person would believe these claims. That is just hyperbole there for it is not fraud.
With her not running anymore this seems like a pretty solid protest vote. Didn’t she expressly tell her voter to not vote for trump?
Nope regardless of the situation. Thermite is always the best solution
Maybe he is a zombie?
Sorry this is the best your going to get.
How do you know that he doesn’t think Trump or Biden are Jews?
I bet she was using them for the occult. Or at least that is the rumor I would like to spread. Get a reverse pizzagate going.
So if I am reading this right thermite is the safest way to permanently delete my data right?
That is what thermite is for.
If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
Which is weirdly a JK Rowling quote. She must have had a mini stroke when she was saying that.
And for today’s headlines that say something completely different than the article.
For those that don’t want to read the article. China has just quit reporting their new super computers to the list of the top super computers. Not quit making them.
They are trying to hide the specs of their new ones. This is just a saber rattle national security thing.
If he didn’t get the rest of it. No way he got that part.
Wait is he advocating for the eating of immigrants?
Are these dependent or independent thoughts?
Also he does know Hannibal Lecter is fictional right?
And literally no person on the planet can give definitive answers.
Are they going to offer out-of-state permits? /s