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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • the reason why the fallout story is very flexible on a any place no context story is because each individual vault has its own story, and stories are hyper regionalistic. so while all regions may share the same start (nuclear fallout of course) and prewar tech, what happens after is up to the writers imagination, as long as a writer doesnt pick an already existing vault number that already has a rule.

    minor lore spoilers ahead: each vault was not built the same, all were a major experiment and had different conditions to see how humanity would adapt to different conditions presented to them.

    this is why fallout is super flexible on where a story can start, game, or show wise. for example of something that won’t be in a game or show, Vault 68 was an experiment where what would happen if you put 1 woman, and 999 men in a bunker. Vault 69 was what would happen if you had 1 man, and 999 women in a bunker.

  • outside of the few hiccups of starting to integrate various distros of linux into my life (had used ubuntu like back in 2017, but only recently used debian for this NAS, and loaded an arch-based distro onto my Framework 16) its doing pretty good. The whole purpose of my usecase was to make a tiny NAS so I needed an ITX board with at least 5 sata ports and the board fit my goal (ontop of the extra being power efficient).

    I haven’t tested the limits of how many users could be streaming content off my system simultaneously yet. Ive heard ~10 1080p streams if GPU encoding is enabled (in my usecase, had to use debian testing since the current kernel of debian 12 does not include hardware acceleration for the n100).

    If I had a single thing I wished it had, I wish the chips had arc based media encoders for AV1 support, so if there was one key feature that would make future variants of that line of cpus desirable in the future, it would be that.

  • isnt that why if you value privacy (or customization) youre supposed to not plug the tv to the internet and use your prefered streaming setup connected over hdmi. its ultimately a self inflicted problem of people using the built in stuff rather than take the time and setup an actual setup (that would stay the same between tvs as long as said device doesnt die on you)

    then convenience is sold, especially if its free, then your data is going to be sold with it.