
      7 months ago

      The US is a recurring parody of itself.

      That may be the most darkly hilarious and accurate way that I’ve heard my country succinctly described.

      FWIW, I think this is a combination of Republicans wanting to put a Christian Evangelist statue in the capitol building (personal note: barf, amongst other things), and Democrats doing their wrongheaded olive branch crap for Republicans, who will not care and continue to politically backstab them because Republicans at this point want to run everything, for good.

      This is a statue of a deeply flawed “civil rights” activist who was staunchly against women’s and gender (specifically, homosexual rights). He also said some deeply antisemetic (in the classical “final solution”-ish sense, not the modern “you said something that could be remotely construed as unflattering towards Israel” sense) stuff when conversing with Nixon at one point (later renounced, but who really knows tbh).

      More TL;DR: fuck Christian evangelists, categorically.